Friday, July 07, 2023

discussed target lists

Out of the blue, Rick W of Kingston asked me about making custom observing lists in Stellarium. He wanted to build lists for targets of interest to him, maybe of value to others.


Set up a Zoom meeting to discuss the various factors. 

He's a variable star guy.

Introduced the Astronomical Calculations window. It might offer some immediate solutions; it did. But it was a closed system requiring effort from the development side. Exporting possible but without a JSON option.

Introduced the Observing Lists / Bookmarks window. It illustrated how Chris V and others had made shareable lists. But pointed out importing wouldn't work and how this stonewalled our work. Indecipherable JSON files.

Told Rick that the dev team is aware of the issue.

We left it, such that it was, to keep in touch. We need to see what happens in version 23.3 or .4 and if we can progress in any meaningful way.

Closed off on presentation tips ideas.

Good quick meet.


Informed Rick of my discovery, that the import process does work, with a gotcha.

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