Thursday, March 14, 2013

crazy numbers

Manuel phoned. Asked if I was going out to shoot the comet. I said it looked clear now! But clouds were coming...

He wanted to know when to try for the comet. He had heard different times from two different sources: 9:45 or after 10. I said neither was correct. He asked which was correct. I said neither. Around in circles!

I told him the comet would set at 8:48 PM plus or minus, so he'd have to try before then. He started saying it should be good at 8:30 because that was the peak. I wasn't sure where he was getting his information.

I explained that the window of opportunity with a large telescope was from about 7:40 to 8:30. With binoculars, from 8:05 to 8:25. I shared that sunset was 7:25. If he wanted to image it, he should start at around 7:30. And do bracketing.

Wished him luck.

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