Friday, July 01, 2011

first ISS video (Blue Mountains)

9:45 PM. I was ready to record the flyover of the International Space Station with our MallinCam Hyper Color. I tried to use Mercury to focus. It was a challenge. Possibly getting thrown off by hot pixels in the MCHC. I slewed to Vega. Adjusted the camera's exposure settings with the MallinCam Control software.

The flyover details on Heavens Above seemed to closely correspond to what I was seeing in Bisque's TheSky6, particularly the plot across the virtual sky. 9:46 to 9:56. Starting in the WNW at 10° elevation, rising to 35° in the SW, and disappearing in the SSE at 10°.

I started tracking when TS6 said it was a degree or so up. I turned on the recording. And soon I saw it! Woo hoo! I called everyone into the observatory.

The view in C14 was fantastic. Lots of detail. Good colour.

I spent most of the time monitoring the video feed on the computer. I saw the target slowly drifting. I was worried it would completely disappear but I didn't attempt any adjustments to the tracking. In fact, I couldn't remember how to do it. Had forgotten to read my notes. Fortunately, it started shifting back... Recorded 6 minutes 16 seconds of video (which produced a 1.6 GB file).

Still frame at 3:52.

9:54 PM. Success! While people looked through the eyepiece of the C14, I captured modest video via the TV101 and MCHC. It was very exciting.

And it was a successful proof of concept! Proof that the mount worked well (again). And that MallinCam could capture a satellite.

We watched the video together. The station was very small. I explained to Kiron that was a function of using the small refractor. A doubling Barlow would help. Using the C14 to capture more light would help. All things I intended to try over the next few days...


My very first video of the ISS.


I shall try to make a truncated, small-frame video, with some notes, using Windows Movie Maker... Stay tuned.


Forgot to document the specific settings that I used in the MallinCam...


Wikipedia link: International Space Station.

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