11:06 AM. We saw a lot of activity on the Sun. Spaceweather identified 4 sun spot groups. To the NW there was a little one, a baby; to the SE a big, double set. I looked more closely at Spaceweather's image so to apply the numbers: 1263 was the double big; 1261 was the archipelago; 1260 was another big one; and 1265 was the baby.
Something struck me as strange. Spaceweather showed them level... in-line with equator. But we were not seeing that! Did I have something wrong in my head? I thought when you looked through a telescope, standing over it, with the mirror diagonal output into the ocular at 90° to the ground that you were seeing a reasonable correct orientation, up being up, down at the bottom... Why was everything at an angle. In both the C14 and TV101?
11:43. Manuel bolted up his camera, the Imaging Source DFK21AU04.

Nice work, Manuel! Very good for the first use of a Coronado system.
He put all his photos, including a shot of M13, in the RASC Toronto Centre Yahoo!Group photo gallery.
I was asked about solar features. I said I knew of flares, prominences, filaments, granules, etc. I did a quick search for definitions, hoping to find something visual, but only came up with a list...
There's some decent information, with images, on solar features over at the Solar Physics page at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Also found some good stuff at the National Maritime Museum site.
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