Wednesday, June 17, 2020

sorted sync issue, easy slewing (Bradford)

Quick report: will be replaced with detailed log entry later...

Rhonda joined me again for the fresh air, clear skies, and some colourful doubles. Couldn't convince her to stay up to 2:30 for a great look at Saturn.

I had a big ah-ha moment re-reading my notes on the GoToStar system. In fact, I had written up instructions to say, don't use the software to sync. But syncing on the hand controller itself worked fine. And the mount performance, using that process, was amazing. Even back-to-back slewing worked! What a difference.

open cluster NGC 6520

So that energised me to return to NGC 6520. I collected a lot of data this time!


Again, I'm going to break this into separate notes given the different intentions, visual observing and astroimaging...

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