Sunday, June 24, 2012

enjoyed the VAB

The Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue was fun. I thanked Leslie and Costas for hosting and the RASC Toronto Centre executive for planning and coordinating. A big thanks to Elaine! I think the whole team of volunteers felt very satisfied to be recognised.

Good eats with special treats, by Lora, of course.

Sharmin, as usual, took tons of photos for a Facebook album. She also shot a photo (with her iPhone 4S) of the best looking attendees:

As did Charles (with his new X100 range finder):

I gave Stu his CAO annual pass "passport" card.

Received a replacement DVD with photos from Scott.

Showed Katrina and Sharmin my 43 year old newspaper...

The weather cooperated.

We had a good turnout: Brenda, Charles, Costas, Diane, Dietmar, Ed, Elaine, Eric, Grace, Jason, Joel, John, Katrina, Kiron, Leslie, Lora, Michelle, Millie, Paul, Phil, Rajesh, Ralph, Ron, Scott, Shawn, Stu, Tim, Tony, Trevor. Too bad everyone could not have been there. We'll just have to do it again!

And I won a shirt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So that's what "B.L.A." stands for.
I thought it meant "blatantly loud attire".
I demand a recount.