As I prepared course materials for Stellarium 0.10.6 training, I captured the shortcuts required on an Apple MacBook. Now, for your reference, a Windows or Macintosh keyboard shortcut guide. Thanks to Sharmin!
controlling the surroundings |
|  |
|  |
show Location window |
| F6
| Fn F6
toggle cardinal compass points | —— | q | — | q
toggle compass marks †*
| Ctrl c |
| ⌘ c
toggle ground and buildings
| g |
| g
toggle ground fog |
| f |
| f
toggle atmosphere or air
| a |
| a
controlling sky appearance |
|  |
|  |
toggle stars |
| s |
| s
toggle constellation lines |
| c |
| c
toggle constellation boundaries |
| b |
| b
toggle constellation labels |
| v |
| v
toggle constellation artwork |
| r |
| r
toggle planet labels and circles |
| p |
| p
toggle planet orbits
| o
| o
toggle planet trails
| Shift t
| Shift t
toggle nebula labels and circles |
| n |
| n
show Sky and Viewing Options
| F4
| Fn F4
controlling gridlines |
|  |
|  |
toggle alt/az grid lines |
| z |
| z
toggle equatorial grid |
| e |
| e
toggle ecliptic line |
| , (comma) |
| ,
toggle celestial equator |
| . (period) |
| .
toggle meridian line
| ;
| ;
changing image presentation |
|  |
|  |
toggle horizontal flipping |
| Ctrl Shift h |
| ⌘ Shift h
toggle vertical flipping |
| Ctrl Shift v |
| ⌘ Shift v
controlling "regular" time |
|  |
|  |
show date/time window |
| F5
| Fn F5
set date/time to now
| 8 |
| 8
set time rate to zero
| 7
| 7
increment forward time speed
| l (lower case L) |
| l
increment reverse time speed
| j |
| j
run time at normal speed |
| k |
| k
decrease time speed a little
| Shift j
| Shift j
increase time speed a little
| Shift k
| Shift k
jump forward 1 hour |
| Ctrl = (equal) |
| ⌘ =
jump backward 1 hour |
| Ctrl - (hyphen) |
| ⌘ -
jump forward 1 day |
| = (equal) |
| =
jump backward 1 day |
| - (hyphen) |
| -
jump forward 1 week
| ] |
| ]
jump backward 1 week
| [ |
| [
controlling sidereal time |
|  |
|  |
forward 1 sidereal day |
| Alt = (equal) |
| Option =
backward 1 sidereal day |
| Alt - (hyphen) |
| Option -
forward 1 sidereal week |
| Alt ] |
| Option ]
backward 1 sidereal week |
| Alt [ |
| Option [
zooming |
|  |
|  |
quickly zoom in/out
| mouse wheel
| mouse wheel
zoom in |
| PgUp or Ctrl Up Arrow |
| Fn Up Arrow
zoom out |
| PgDn or Ctrl Dn Arrow |
| Fn Down Arrow
zoom close to selected object |
| / (slash) |
| /
zoom out fully
| \ (backslash) |
| \
panning |
|  |
|  |
quickly pan celestial sphere
| left-drag
| drag
pan right |
| Right Arrow |
| Right Arrow
pan left |
| Left Arrow |
| Left Arrow
pan up |
| Up Arrow |
| Up Arrow
pan down |
| Dn Arrow |
| Down Arrow
toggle EQ or alt/az mount |
| Ctrl m |
| ⌘ m
working with objects |
|  |
|  |
select an object visually |
| left-click |
| click |
centre on selected object |
| spacebar |
| spacebar
toggle tracking of object |
| t |
| t
deselect object |
| right-click |
| ⌘-click
display search dialog box |
| Ctrl f or F3
| ⌘ f or Fn F3
travel, i.e. go to a planet |
| Ctrl g |
| ⌘ g
toggle angular measurement †*
| Ctrl a |
| ⌘ a
working with satellites † |
|  |
|  |
configure artificial satellites *
| Alt z |
| Option z
toggle satellite display *
| Ctrl z |
| ⌘ z
toggle satellite labels *
| Shift z |
| Shift z
controlling the application |
|  |
|  |
show configuration window |
| F2
| Fn F2
show help/about window
| F1
| Fn F1
show script console window
| F12
| (untested)
toggle fullscreen/window |
| F11 |
| (none)
toggle GUI toolbars/menus
| Ctrl t
| ⌘ t
save screenshot to desktop |
| Ctrl s |
| ⌘ s
close a window *
| Esc |
| Esc
quit from Stellarium |
| Ctrl q |
| ⌘ q
* Recently new or changed shortcuts are marked with an asterisk.
† Keyboard shortcuts noted with a dagger are associated with a plug-in. They may not function if the plug-in is not active.
Most quick reference listings (including the one inside Stellarium's help) are improperly designed. They show the key first then the action, forcing you to think about a key combination, even if you're not interested in it. You'll see I've done the opposite!
Finally, when using Stellarium on the Apple Macintosh computer, the keyboard shortcuts shown in the help window and toolbar tip pop-ups are incorrect. For example, there are references to using the Ctrl key. This references to Windows. In general, on a Mac, substitute the Command key for the Ctrl...
1 comment:
Very well prepared list! I don't have to refine my own one now, am copying this one. Thanks Blake!
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