Sunday, March 27, 2011

very impressed he was

Uve emailed me when he got home. He was very impressed with the colour contrast of "the Winter Albireo" double star I showed him last night.

He wanted to know it's official name. Good question! SkyTools lists it, of course, with a variety of designations. The primary one it uses is HR 2764. Alternates are HD 56577, SAO 173349, HJ 3945A, HIP 35210, ADS 5951A, TYC 06537-3290 1.

Haas refers to it as h3945.

I believe it is also 145 CMa. Stellarium uses this as the primary description. I don't know why SkyTools doesn't show that one...


Unknown said...

SkyTools lists it as HR 2764

Unknown said...

That was also my first time seeing the "Winter Albireo". In fact, I had never heard of it until you told me about it. I subsequently found it listed in "Objects in the Heavens 5"

bla said...

It's also in the RASC Observer's Handbook, in the table of Coloured Doubles.