After seeing Sharmin experience 406 Not Acceptable errors with Safari on her MacBook while trying to log into the RASC Toronto Centre web site CMS, I reopened my investigation as to the cause.

I chatted with one of the online techs and asked if he could check the server logs and build exceptions for us. After he finished slamming Safari, he admitted he couldn't access the system to the required level. He gave me an email address to reach a higher tier.
I wrote a detailed message explaining the problem, noting the tests I had tried, and requested the exception change. And was a immediately discouraged when the autoresponder said that someone from Sales would contact me shortly. Yeah.
But, happily, a message arrived this morning (from SysAdmin no less) saying it should work now. What?!
I tried to recreate the error at my end. No 406s! I issued messages to Sharmin and Stuart to test things at their end. Maybe, just maybe, we've been able to get rid of this long-standing problem. The tech's message was pretty terse. I don't know what they've done. But I'll be really happy if we don't see a 406 again.
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