8:04. Awoke. Grounds were fairly quiet but some were rising.
I don't think it rained overnight. But there was still a lot of water atop the tent fly.
9:00. Phil showed me the clear sky chart for the evening. It looked fantastic! Well, not fantastic, but way better than what we had experienced so far! He suggested we set up on the beach early this afternoon. Sounded like a great idea.
10:00. Young Phil, Jedi apprentice, attempted the English muffin breakfast sandwich. For his first try, it was good. But he really needs to consider better cheese.
10:53. Stuart and Jenny dropped by. They talked of their new trailer home. Small house on wheels. Their trip out east. Stuart regretted not taking his 'scope. Dude! Not like you don't have the room.
11:15. Phil planned another bike ride, starting at 12:15. Pain freak. Sounded like a large crew might come along, including Jenny and Stuart on a tandem, Sue with an overnight rental bike, Jason on a day rental bike, two tall Horvatins.
I rode to the comfort station. I had major bikebutt! Ugh. It's gonna be uncomfortable... Wished I had proper bike shorts.

Mew Lake Relay Team. Photo by Lora.
12:27 PM. Group photo and then we were on our way.
On the old air field, we paused for a mechanical: Stuart's clipless shoe wasn't working right. 2 or 3 klicks in, two riders turned back, one suffering extreme buttitis. I was feeling OK at that point, but not great. 5 km in, one rider fell. We couldn't tell if it was a break or bad sprain. Fortunately, we had a tensor. A few of us elected to turn back. Reviewed the R.I.C.E. rule...
1:30-ish. We returned to site 59. Katrina and Lora headed over to check on the injury. Later, Guy's wife met with the patient and recommended some meds. I pulled the Advil from my kit.
3:36. I rested after a very hot shower. But, I needed to get a jump on setting up the 'scope...

Setting up. Photo by Lora or Phil. Or maybe a sneaky dog!
Phil and I headed to the beach to set up early. I remembered to align the (new) finder scope to the OTA. And set the latitude. Covered the rig with a blanket and then a tarp.
Someone spotted the thin Moon between the clouds. And then Venus. I had to wait a bit for some clear sky but I saw them too. Very cool. Helped others, using nearby clouds as sign posts. This reminded me that tomorrow would be interesting (if clear), when the Moon would be very close to the second planet.
What does Phil say? "Mark I Eye Ball."
5-ish. Had an early dinner. Tried not to rush. Did up the dishes. Packed away all the food. No alcohol tonight!
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