Monday, July 26, 2021

received refractor image (Stillwater)

Heard from the human. 

The "shutdown [process] failed so processing did not happen. Running manually now." And moments later, the usual automated message from the Mini-Robotic Observatory appeared.

Woo hoo. My Vulpecula image data from 23 Jul '21 was safe and sound.

Once again, I had aimed at star HD 183013 in Vulpecula. I specifically wanted to use the wide-field instrument so to pull in a lot of stars. It was just over a year ago I had stumbled into the area, while follow an asteroid, and noted a great number, significant number, of double stars.

So this is a bit of "getting more eyes" on this region.

region about HD 183013 Vul

Luminance, 3 seconds, 12 subs, FITS Liberator, GIMP. North is up, east is left.

Love it.

My gut feel is that we're seeing about four times as much sky as the BGO image from yesterday.


The field is approximate 1°18' in size, square.

There is very slight imager rotation here. North is about 1 degree to the right or clockwise...

We're seeing to magnitude 15 and 16.


This wider field includes some known doubles.

SLE 942. North-west. Tight. Slightly unequal pair oriented south-east to north-west.

SLE 943. North-west. Tight. Slightly wider than 942. Slightly unequal. Slightly dimmer than 942. oriented east to west, almost perfectly.

STF 3111. In the image but not splittable.

WSI 22. West-west-south of centre. Oriented west-east. Identical stars, in brightness.

WW Vul is here too aka LI 2. But I can't see the B star...

With the lovely grouping to the south. Including HD 183014 (aka STF 2523), KRU 8, and HLM 23. Includes A 2786 proper though not splittable.

KPP 439 is here, nearby, but not splittable.


Checked against the analysed field...

objects of interest from 2020


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