Monday, July 05, 2021

needed FOV circles

Wanted to figure out field of view circles in SkySafari 6. Couldn't seem to find the option in the Plus edition of the app. The quick circles from the top-right menu include cross-hairs which I didn't want.

Tried the online documentation at the Simulation Curriculum web site. 

I shouldn't done that. 

Immediately I experienced frustration. An online document without hyperlinks? Come on. Typos everywhere. Daft. Instructions without any context. Hello, you're a software company. Note the product, version, edition, and date stamp it!

Oh, and what's "scrope equipment?"

snap from Sim Curr "help" page

I actually consciously thought, "I need to stop using the official SkySafari resources." For my health. They are useless. I hate bad documentation. I saw it affecting my mood. Stop using garbage. I knew I needed to go to independent sources, smart end users. So off to Cloudy Nights!

Found a few unhappy users but also many generous and helpful astronomers giving good advice, clear instructions, and solutions to problems. I found what I needed. Circles without cross-hairs. In fact, I found a setting for cardinal point indicators too. Wasn't expecting that!

That said, the field rotation seems to not work at all.

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