Friday, August 11, 2017

finished with HD 38 (Halifax)

BGO photographed HD 38 (aka STT 547). A neat multi-star system in the Andromeda constellation.

multi-star system HD 38 in luminance

Luminance only, 4 seconds subexposures, 20 stacked shots. FITS Liberator, Paint.NET. North is up; east is left.

B is the equally bright partner to A, touching A, almost perfectly south.

C is the fainter start to the north-north-north-west, a good distance away (not to be confused with the very close dimmer uncategorised star GSC 03246-0320).

To the south-west, almost double the AC split, is D. It is the same brightness as C. SkyTools 3 Pro says C and D are in the 11 to 12 magnitude range.

ST3P does not list an E star.

Now things get interesting. ST3P shows a very bright star around magnitude 10 due west of AB slightly less than the AD separation. There's no bright star here. If you zoom the image, there is something: an extremely dim point! Is this it? Is it a variable? Or an old nova? Weird.

[ed: The SkyTools information is quite different that what's in the WDS. I analysed it.]

Near the top-right of the image, north-west of HD 38, is the faint pair VYS 1. While the telescope collimation is degrading the view, there are clearly two stars. They seem equally bright to me. They are oriented roughly north-north-east to south-south-west.

At the bottom-right of the image, south-west of HD 38, there's a bright double. This is HD 225291. The mag 7 and 9 stars are merged. ST3P says they are 4.1" apart. The brighter element is to the south. They are roughly oriented south-south-east to north-north-west.

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