Friday, August 06, 2010

arrived observatory

Arrived at the RASC Carr Astronomical Observatory around 3:30 PM. Moments, it seems, after Joel. I hadn't seen Ian D. for a long time. He had been here since 2:30 PM.

Detached the bike rack. Then loaded all the astro gear (old and new) into the Tony Horvatin Observatory. Looking forward to setting up once for several days.

Showed off the old and new mower parts. Did an eyeball comparison. They matched. Sent a quick email to Tony to let him know.

Joel opened the GBO. Hrrm. Unwanted visitors... We removed them.

I tried the new screws for mounting the dovetail to the large (Oberwerk) binoculars. One fits well; the other is so-so. They'll do. We'll just have to be gentle. Then I found the support loose! Sheesh. Tightened it up. No wonder people could not use the finder scope. Anyway. It is all good now. Tony wants to use these for the Moon on Thursday.

Sent Joel the list of CAO annual pass holders (from Ralph). We learned that our expected visitors, William and Steve, were paid up.

Really wanted some meat on the barbie but I had not bought any fresh food en route. Had pasta.

It was cooling off. Conditions were looking good. I headed out to the THO to prepare. And spent the next hour or so cleaning and vacuuming...

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