Monday, August 09, 2010

bout 2 with clouds (Blue Mountains)

1:20 AM. Returned to the THO, with dirty eyeglasses, hoping the sky was improving.

Considered using the GBO but then realised that everything was in The Hut, books, charts, red lights, etc. Pulled out my loupe to ease reading of charts. Looked at PSA to locate candidates.

Put the recorder on the lower shelf of the podium, to avoid picking up the computer sounds.

Did not think the sky great but looked straight up and saw Cygnus and that it was reasonably clear. Switched to "what part of the sky is clear" mode. Used PSA with the eyepiece template. Pulled out the illuminated loupe to ease the reading of charts in low red light. Moved to γ (gamma) Cygni, aka Sadr. Noted Messier 29 or M29 (aka The Cooling Tower) in the area but suspected I had already viewed it.

What's a cooling tower?! Ooh... those things, those hyperbolic towers, oft' used at nuclear reactors.

I was getting frustrated.

1:30. Looked at Jupiter with the 26mm. Saw all four moons, plus a field star, but it suddenly dimmed as I looked it. Lost the field star. Clouds, again!

I quit. Clouds won. I was upset, annoyed, cursing up a storm.

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