Saturday, August 27, 2011

tuned up presentation

I couldn't seem to find the presentation file that I had used last year at the Farmer's Pantry event on the ASUS netbook (John Littlejohn). Remembered tuning it, shortening it. I wondered if it had been stored on the Dell laptop (John Kim-Chi)... 200 km away...

In Oracle Open Office version 3.3, I reworked the presentation file from two years back. Trimmed some content, to make the talk zippy. Compressed the file, with the "Minimize" plug-in. Put the netbook into Super Performance mode...

The software was incredibly slow during the running of the slide show. Painfully slow! Rebooted, shut down all other applications. S-L-O-W. Impractical. It would disturb the rhythm of the delivery. So I hacked the file, removing all the animations, and switching to duplicated slides. Brute force method. Sheesh. Waste of time!

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