It wasn't completely overcast... Kiron and I headed over to the Farmer's Pantry around 8:00 PM with the 8" SCT and 3" refractor. Tony left separately and brough the big binos. I saw Mary-Lynn in the office when we arrived. We chatted briefly then moved into the orchard to set up our 'scopes. Kiron also set up his Nikon binoculars on a tripod.
Then I took the car to the presentation centre and set up the computer and projector. Not having a screen or sheet, we decided to project onto the roof. It worked! And it short order, we were underway.

After handing out RASC star finders, I delivered a shortened presentation, Kiron and Tony looking on. Then we wrapped up, quickly tore down the presentation equipment and headed to the telescopes. It was patchy and we had to move quickly into sucker holes to display objects. But it turned out OK. The crowd seemed to enjoy the views and our answers to their various questions.
We showed them a number of constellations, the double stars Albireo plus Mizar and Alcor, the Great Hercules globular cluster, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Dumbbell Nebula, the Ring Nebula, plus a few other treats. We all enjoyed a bright flyover of the International Space Station. Short and sweet under cloudy skies. Sadly, we couldn't not see Jupiter.
About 15 people, from the Clarksburg area, showed up including some very clever kids.
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