
been staring at the RASC Toronto Centre membership database (in preparation for a survey) trying to determine from it, who is already in the Yahoo!Groups. There's no field, at present, that tracks this. So, it's been a manual process, so far. S-L-O-W manual process. Probably over 10 hours of work so far. Chatted with the database owner Ralph about adding a new field: he's OK with it. That will help in the future. He sent over the master list with history. Over 3000 names.
The surprise discovery in all of this was finding a great number of people in the Yahoo!Group who shouldn't be. Expired members, in some cases, 6 or 7 or 8 years after quitting, are still getting individual messages or the daily digest! I'm sending them little notes, nudging them to renew. In 3 months, I'll boot them.
Is that a shattercone?
A wisk.
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