Saturday, April 09, 2022

revealed deep sky objects

Melody messaged me in the early morning. Sheesh. She's an early bird.

Later, during coffee, I reviewed her missive.

It contained another ask. She needed some more help with SkyTools.

When I click on an individual target, then interactive sky chart, the object doesn't appear. 

So I phoned the house. Startled Bruce. And connected with Melody. She headed to the full computer and fired up the application.

I had her selected a target from the Deep-Sky Challenges list, an obvious open cluster, and had her open the Interactive Atlas. She reported seeing stars and that was it... Hmm.

I had her it the T key. She confirmed the target cross-hair "plus" marker appeared with red lines and labelled object. But no yellow circle.

We tried a galaxy. No blue oval.

So I had her pull up the View settings. Oddly, none of the deep sky options were enabled. So we ticked all teh boxes.

Yeah, shapes and outlines appeared!

We went through open clusters, galaxies, planetary nebulae, emission nebulae, diffuse nebulae, reflection nebulae, dark nebulae, globular clusters, etc.

We also talked about double stars and the handy C key shortcut to reveal the companions.

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