Saturday, June 12, 2021

made lists for the FNGC

On 8 June, a member sent a note to the national Observing Committee chair address requesting a simple list for RASC Finest NGC observing program.

He correctly noted there was no list. Just a long (115 pages) PDF document with form pages with space for log notes, sketches, etc. He felt a straight list would be far more user-friendly in the field.

Indeed. In the same manner as the new Double Stars program, I have been thinking the others should have lists in useful formats. In fact, I think we should provide electronic formats for the popular software apps that can show observing lists.

I made a proper list in SkyTools 3. Done.

I copied this information to an Excel file and converted it to a table to support filtering and sorting.

I duplicated this information, recomposed it slightly, to make a nice printed format, which I at last saved in Portable Document Format.

Uploaded the files.

I will use Chris V's Stellarium files once finished.

Updated the Obs Comm team asking for help on the SkySafari file. Dave C offered to help on that.

Checked with the Observer's Handbook editor, James. He was very supportive.

Told the member. He was thrilled.

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