Saturday, August 10, 2013

generated interest

There was a lot of interest in SkyTools at the end of my presentation. One attendee asked, repeatedly, how they could get the software. It didn't click at first but I think they thought I was a rep, or worked for Greg, or worked at SkyHound. They said, "I'd like to get the software at a discount." To which I replied, "OK. Make it happen!"

I encouraged someone to make a list, collect names and contact info of interested parties, try to get as many as possible. I explained how we, in the Toronto RASC, had drummed up 18 or so interested parties and Council then authorised the purchase of 25 copies. I said that it only needed a coordinator. Elaine stepped up. And when we asked for a show of hands, who was interested in buying the software, about 8 hands went up!

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