Wednesday, August 28, 2013

developed SkyTools course material

Finished developing my SkyTools 3 level 1 intro course training hand out, essentially a quick reference guide. Actually, two.

It became apparent at the early stages that there was a lot of material that was... incongruous. I made a single page document for one-time things. Steps that one needs to do first, before doing regular work in the software. And that some users might never change again. Then I made the "usual" two-page quick reference guide for the day-to-day things, typical things done every session.

My normal method of operation when developing training materials and building courses is to consider the content in a double-sided quick reference document stuff that can be covered in about 3 hours. Or a half-day course. I don't know now, with 50% more material, how this might play out.

Foolish, I am. Should have learned my lesson. The Stellarium course I built I tried, the first time, to cram into 2 hours. It was not enough. The second run, at 3 hours, was a better fit. For this SkyTools, I'm going to have to step on it right from the get-go!

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