Wednesday, August 28, 2013

discussed power concerns

Manuel contacted me. He was keen to visit Long Sault. Cool! But he was concerned, rightly so, about power. He said, "the camera "takes a lot of juice." Asked him what he meant by that. He said that the camera killed the battery quickly. Why? How? How was it connected? When he explained he ran the CCD camera by its AC adapter, I explained that was the source of the problem. He didn't understand. I explained that the converting voltage from 12 VDC up to a high VAC itself was inefficient. Didn't make sense if the end device needed 12 or 9 volts. Most of the power was being lost in the up-conversion. I suggested he find CLA DC adapters for his imaging camera and his portable computer. There were likely many options. One could also look into an adapter from The Source. Sounded like he had reached his destination and was climbing out of his car. I also reminded him that he could use my power tank system with dual marine batteries.

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