Wednesday, August 21, 2013

it's the job of RASC

Allard sent a curious note suggesting that we perhaps not publish an article about Mars. Because that will feed the trolls. What? So we do nothing?

Unpleasant thoughts flickered at the edges...

Will the RASC Toronto web site not warehouse any valuable, informative, corrective, helpful astronomy content? Will it be a pretty web site only encouraging people to come to star parties?

Did I just waste hours of time? My personal time trying to help RASC. Trying to help the astronomical community. Trying to help the general public?

Professor Delaney chimed in: Clarifying information and ensuring the community knows what is real and what is fictitious is always important. "Blake's article, and those like it, are essential and it is more than appropriate that the RASC engage in this type of Public Outreach." Then Ralph. We have to "get behind" this. OK.

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