Sunday, August 23, 2009

that was odd

There were lots of awkward moments after Karen, John, and Bob arrived at the CAO.

It was like they wanted to be a part of what we were doing. They stood around (mostly behind) us as we enjoyed the early evening. When we encouraged them to get lawn chairs, they finally sat. Karen lit up a cigarette. I asked her if she'd not smoke beside us. Did she not see Milly take her break down-wind? When they joined in conversations they took things in peculiar directions. Then conversations fragmented, which is OK, but the volumes were competing. I could not clearly hear what Phil and Milly were saying to me and they were beside me. Then, most peculiar, Karen moved her chair into the centre of the circle with her back to us. How strange. That was the diametrically opposite signal from before. I thought they wanted to belong. Party killer.

In the morning, Bob started arguing with us the merits of private education vs. public. He was totally bashing the public institution. Does he not know that Sue is a principal? He doesn't have kids. Is he even married? At least they agreed that young kids get too much homework.

Karen and John stayed up really late Saturday night. They seemed to forget to be very quiet given the time. Perhaps they forgot that people weren't observing. That people were actually sleeping. I could hear them slamming doors in the basement when I went to bed.

Karen gave us a little scare but was, in the morning, back to normal. I'm not sure what happened exactly. Again, a very uncomfortable situation.

They left in the morning. I'm not sure why they came up, knowing the weather forecast was poor. John didn't get to try his makeshift camera adapter.

I suppose we have all kinds of people, with different interests, who come from different walks, in the society. It was eye-opening for me, as a supervisor. I need to steel myself for possible future incidents. And be prepared to confront people who forget to respect the other people present. And be prepared for all manner of emergency situation, medical or otherwise, at any time of day or night...

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