Saturday, July 20, 2019

resetting our rhythms

Now, I have always known this. Or rather felt it.

There are tangible and intangible benefits to getting outdoors, outside, and best of all, away from "the city." Or away from our computers, television, work, the hustle and bustle, etc. Camping for me has always been more than a vacation and a time to unwind. Camping represents a time to unplug and get off the grid for a while. I love it.

So I enjoyed reading an article I found on the Ontario Parks web site. I stumbled across it while doing some research on light pollution.

Sarah McMichael wrote the blog post entitled Health benefits of backcountry camping back on 14 March 2019. She the Ontario Parks’ Healthy Parks Healthy People Coordinator.
Sleeping away from artificial light and waking up with natural sunlight can reset your circadian rhythm, which will help you feel refreshed after a better night’s sleep.
This reminds us that our regular routine greatly disturbs our natural rhythms. Maybe that's why I feel so refreshed after a couple of nights in a tent.

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