Sunday, June 16, 2013

loose ends

Got a few other chores done at the CAO this weekend.

Reinstalled the security cabinet tumbler. Allowing us to return to the nominal plan for the Paramount computer. Provided Ian W the new key.

I was very pleased with how all this worked out, not having to replace the tumbler. Faster, simpler, cheaper.

Discussed and finalised the MODL lease arrange with Ian. I'm not sure if he was entirely happy with the arrangement but I truly believe it is the simplest (and fastest) path. We signed his lease. Finally I can provide the final paperwork to treasury.

I also discussed the linens and laundry situation with Ian. Millie was right. He did not know the policy. I explained to him that the supervisor was responsible for taking the kitchen dish towels and bathroom towels home to laundry them. He thought, when I started the discussion, that we were also talking about the bedding, sheets, pillow cases, etc. No. Just kitchen and bathroom.

It was a little surprising to me that he did not know of this after all these years. Anyway, it is straightened out now. But it just emphasises we need better communication and documentation to the supervisors.

Had a discussion with Millie and Dietmar about other cleaning chores. She caught me off guard (again) and I don't think I was about to give a very reasoned reply. But I assured her, in the end, that the CAO committee will look into things in more detail.

Went for a walkabout Saturday afternoon. Inspected the outer planet walk posts. We need a new flag on Pluto! Then I turned to the east for a bit. And finally north. In search of iron bars. I only found one. It had been pranged at some point. Forgot my GPS... At least I know exactly where it is now.

Ensured we have keys for all the buildings on the site.

Installed, finally, the new carbon monoxide detector. Put it in the Orion room. After it acclimated, I tested it.

I wanted to apply the Magic Sand to the front walk but I was put off by the weather...


Loaned Risa my small Manfrotto tripod.

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