I loaded my video. Set the start and end frames. I was very pleased to see a step option; I adjusted this to output 50 or so data points from my trial. I calibrated the scale, although I wasn't sure what to use at the unit of measurement—I used the real time. I set the reference frame origin and angle. And then I tracked the stars. I was glad I only chose 50 points. It already felt tedious marking the 50 frames. I saw the matrix build up with rows showing t, x, and y values. I suddenly I realised that I was actually getting somewhere. I exported the results to a spreadsheet and stared at the numbers.
I saw that y was the delta from the origin. In other words, it was showing the separation in arc-seconds. If I took an average, it would compensate for the seeing, the wavering. But then I realised that y was constant in this model. And that was not really correct. And I'd have to take into account the declination along with the drift speed and/or time to get a real separation value. And that was a little off-putting. The angle though... That should be easy!
The t value was how far we are along the calibration stick. I had set it to the time from 0 to 83.47 seconds.
The x value was where the companion was in relation to the primary. As it was a touch to the left, it showed as a negative number in the first row. I saw that it was always slightly less than the corresponding t value. Which was correct for my video. If I subtracted the x value from t, I'd have the relative position.
I realised it was a simple matter then, using the net-x and y values, to determine the angle between the two stars. Uh. Yeah. But that would mean trig. Nooooo! Damn it. I just can't get away from trigonometric math. It keeps following me...
I had to dive into the web for some pointers on how to do this, it had been so long. Crikey. Would need the arc tangent function. Meh. In Excel, I tried
= ATAN( x / y ) * ( 180 * PI( ) )
and received a good result. I then tried
= DEGREES( ATAN( x / y ) )
which was a bit cleaner. Copied it into the matrix. Not bad.
The average angle was 10.1 degrees. But there was a lot of variance! I saw a minimum value of 4.9 and a max of 16.6. Wow. I really needed to take into consideration that both the stars were moving, both shifting with the seeing conditions. I needed to plot both stars.

I was pleased with the new outcome. The average returned was 12.1 with a min of 6.7 and a max of 17.6. The average was pretty close to my target. Still. It was a little frustrating to miss by about a degree.
Hold on... I got an idea. What if... I wondered what the frequency distribution might look like. So, back to the web for some tips. Found the Data Analysis plug-ins. Launched the Histogram. And then I made the graph.

Holy cow! Would you look at that. The peak was right on target! Now this was interesting... Eerie.
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