She asked me about the "next two work parties at the CAO." Replied that unfortunately I could not help her with that. It was the Carr Astronomical Observatory committee chair's job to nail down those dates. Referred her to Tony.
Next she wanted to know the AAA dates. I told her I didn't have them in front of me. And ultimately it was a decision made by Annual Algonquin Adventure organisers. After some digging, I found the message from Lillian and Robert with the 2012 dates. I forwarded it on.
And finally she asked for her CAO annual pass renewal dates. Again, not my bailiwick; that was data managed by the Membership chair. I encouraged her to discuss the matter with Ralph.
This reminded me that I had not rolled Lil's note, with the new dates, into the web site page. So I added a quick note. And put it in my calendar too!
The dates for the 2012 Algonquin Adventure were published on p.5 of the Oct/Nov SCOPE newsletter...
I know!
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