Saturday, October 01, 2011

BenQ failed

Ralph reported that the BenQ projector wasn't working. Kiron had remounted it from the living room post to the Great Room post. And now it was dormant. I immediately dreaded the worst: somehow the projector had been shutdown improperly and the bulb had overheated. I tried everything I could think of in terms of start up sequence but the LAMP indicator would eventually turn red and flash. I was livid.

I took the BenQ down and replaced it with the Panasonic. Of course, it has a different power cord type so I couldn't use the cord in the ceiling. Crikey. Temporarily connected it to a socket on the west wall of the Great Room with an extension cord. It was still working (thank goodness) but the image was out of whack. The throw of the two units is quite difference. We got it working as best as possible and tested it with different screen resolutions. Needed the Panasonic remote from upstairs. When I returned, the projector was off.

Dietmar was coiling up the extension cord. WTF? I asked him what he was doing. He replied, "I need an extension cord." Somehow it did not register that I was using it, that the something running was plugged into it! But, more gravely, I was worried this projector now might be damaged, if he had just pulled the plug from the wall. We fetched another cord, let the projector cool, and found it was fine. It's the old work horse. For crying out loud... Anyway, plan B was working.

I took the BenQ upstairs to fiddle with it. First test would be to boot it up in an upright position. Maybe I could open it up...

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