Saturday, October 08, 2011

take pictures

I phoned the CAO.

Grace answered. We chatted a bit. Grace said that Katrina and Fred were up. Katrina had observed all night, watching Mars rise. Fred noted there was a password on the main computer. He didn't get the password hint. Ha! Astro-spouse didn't understand the reference to the Father of the Telescope. Grace also talked about her Mom counting stars in the Pleiades. She got something like 30 stars! Well done.

Trevor, in the background, said he was downloading games, playing Call of Duty, and streaming video. Funny guy. Now you die.

Having finished breakfast 2.5, Tony took the phone. He said they were going to tootle around the area, go to Hindle's, etc. Ooh. Still haven't been there. I reminded Tony that I have the MODL update talk coming up. Asked he might take some photos. We also chatted about a new security camera. We charged Trevor with some tests.

Sounded like they were have a fun time.

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