Wednesday, May 11, 2011

participated in super meeting

For the first time to date, the Carr Astronomical Observatory supervisors met up, at once, face to face. It was something I thought important to do with increased responsibilities. And some of the recent challenging personality situations. Tony also thought it a good idea with future plans, like the remote observatory.

It was a pretty good meeting with a pretty good turnout. Phil, Dietmar, Ian D., Steve, Tim, Tony, and myself crowded into the Horvatin dining room. Regrets came in from Ralph and Ian W.

Tony provided a hard copy of the CAO Site Facilities Manual that I have been updating. He went through it in a fair amount of detail.

We also reviewed Dietmar's list on the Yahoo!Group. To that Tony and I noted some additional chores not on the list.

I handed around the Fire and Safety manual that Scott had prepared. We discussed new and improved procedures in emergency situations.

Dietmar talked a little about the operation of the Paramount.

It was good to have everyone on the same page.

Tony asked me to keep some notes with action items. Erg.

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