I was on deck for a couple of specific jobs: installing the new roof wheels in the Geoff Brown Observatory and maintaining the Generac generator.

Photo by Ian Donaldson. New wheels on counter behind deer caught in the headlights.
Charles and I worked on the GBO roof, jacking it up, and installing the new wheels with roller bearings. I could hear the difference! This will hopefully greatly reduce the strain on the roof drive.
Speaking of motor drive, Charles and I installed the new upper Lovejoy coupling. It was a bit fiddly but everything went well. The new plastic spider should reduce the lag and lash.
The generator was overdue for an oil and filter change. I had Trevor help me out. We checked the spark plugs for residue and gap. Inspected the air filter. Everything went well and checked out. I wanted to do the valve clearance but we determined it would be a big job, requiring the removal of the battery and facia some covers and grills. Tony agreed that we leave it for a sunny, warm weekend...
I was going to do the riding lawn mower maintenance but I learned the Joel normally does that.
Charles and I also scouted the garage, shooting photos and taking measurements, with the intention of installing something to ease opening and closing the big garage door. Perhaps a chain drive...
Charles and I also took down the last couple of storm windows (including one for the library).
Charles, Trevor, and Tony put up the new projector ceiling mounts. I helped a little with the upstairs, living room unit. Took us a while to find the joists. My stud finder had a little freak out.
A lot of the usual suspects showed up to help at the CAO: Lora, Phil, Nick, Tom, Brenda, Eric, Dietmar, Geoff, Joel, Charles, Scott, Kiron, Ian D., Trevor, and Tony. We were also joined by Thomas, Matthew, and Ostap. Ralph was cook.
Ian shot lots of photos.
Of course it was crappy, pissy, damp, cold, foggy.
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