Here the OTA is in a vertical orientation. This is how I intend to "store" the 'scope.
The total height is approx. 51 inches. This includes the OTA's length of 47.5". The old iron mount suspends the tube about 3" from the ground. I'll have to measure this distance when the OTA is on the new pier. I had suggested to Rick he could make it a little taller...
I measured position of the tube in the cradle. I had noted that the Edmund product catalog said it was deliberately not centred. This so that with some accessories attached, the OTA would become balanced. I had never noticed this before. Measurements bore it out. The centre of the cradle is 21" from the mirror-end of the tube.
There were some large sheets of corrugated cardboard nearby. I leaned them against the telescope at various places to simulate a box.
The total width is approx. 26". This is the measure parallel to the Declination shaft. Co-linear! And you don't get to use that word everyday. This value includes the eyepiece. Or rather, the focuser. You can just see the focuser sticking out at the bottom of the tube. It protrudes in the direction opposite the Declination shaft.
The total depth is approx. 14". This is the measure along the Right Ascension axis. From the edge of the OTA to the tip of the RA shaft and motor assembly. This includes the old finder scope brackets. Funny. We don't have the original finder scope... I wonder if I should take the brackets off.
All done! Done levelling and measuring and fiddling. I removed the OTA from the cradle. Ready to leave the garage, once and for all.
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