Friday, September 04, 2020

let's settle this

OK. I think I've had enough of this...

Recently, I've heard a few people say that large aperture telescopes cannot render good views because they are susceptible to bad seeing conditions. A larger aperture means the tunnel of air you're looking through is bigger.

I am not convinced. A bigger 'scope means better resolution. I'll take resolution thank you. And greater light gathering capability.

Any telescope on the ground will be affected by seeing conditions. So be it.

That's what's so great about Environment Canada's weather tools: it predicts seeing quality.

Yes, the biggest telescopes on the planet use lasers and adaptive optical systems to correct for the air.

Anyway, I'm going to research this... I'm going to see if I can find empirical studies on this. I think most people are speaking from anecdotal experience.

Stumbled across an interesting statement by "TOMDEY" in Cloudy Nights.

What [people don't] take into account are the ~moments~ of good, great, excellent seeing.  So, if you dwell on a target long enough, patiently enough, with a giant scope at higher mag...  you will see far more than the little ones can ever see.

Bingo. That's good.

And that speaks to the entire visual system, the telescope, eye, and brain (arguably the most important part).


Now, let's find scientific papers on the subject... If you know of any, share in a comment.

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