Saturday, April 27, 2019

more DDO ops (Richmond Hill)

Tonight I assisted at RASC DDO Family Night with Nancy, Ennio, Ron, and Chris.

This is part of my on-going operations training to be a telescope operator. It was really good to get more seat time. Chris also called on me to talk about our target, the double star Algieba.

At the end, I took an afocal image of the pair, Struve 1424 A and B. Fun! 4.5 seconds of arc. But also to try to pin down the FOV.

Algieba through the 74" afocal

Canon 40D, 18-55 kit lens at 48mm, 1/8th of a second, f/16, ISO 1600, RAW, manually focused, handheld.

I also shot more photos for our documentation.

Travelling with Ron, I learned he's made his own guide. He's gonna share the notes with Chris and me.

Chris and I also verified that the duplicate control on the mobile console for RA clamp is in fact active... I had spotted it in a photo.

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