Sunday, August 19, 2018

worked around comet problem

We found a workaround for loading new comets into TheSky6.

Comet source location:
  1. Launch a web browser.
  2. Go to web site noted above (which is the new secure server).
  3. Wait for the page to completely load.
  4. Save the webpage as a text file, perhaps with a TXT ending, to any location, e.g. desktop.
  5. In TheSky6, choose Data, Comets and Minor Planets...
  6. Click the Import... button.
  7. Locate the downloaded comet text file (it is expecting a CMT file extension) and click Open.
  8. Select the comets to add.
  9. If adding more than one, use Ctrl key.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Uncheck old comets, as necessary, so to speed up the software and to unclutter the simulated sky.
  12. Click OK.
Keeping the old software going...

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