Tuesday, December 20, 2016

shifted south-east (Halifax)

I wanted to shoot NGC 2440 again. First shot on 15 Dec '16. I wanted to get the Puppis planetary nebula closer to the centre of the frame. And, if lucky, encompass the nearby multi-star systems. I centred on the star TYC 05984-1357 1.

It worked in the sense that I captured the multi-star system JRN 35. And I just squeezed in the doubles JRN 36 and ARA 385. But the whole image looks softer. Bad skies?

At least this time I received all the colour channels along with the H-alpha and O-III data.

NGC 5466 and some multi-star systems in luminance

Luminance only, 15 seconds subexposures, 20 stacked shots. FITS Liberator, Paint.NET. North is up; east is left.

JRN 35 is the sextuplet south-west of NGC 2440, well away, very near the edge of the frame. A and B are rather close together, angled north-east to south-west, and equal in brightness. They seem closer to the group than what SkyTools shows. Perhaps they are moving north-east? C is the same brightness as A and B and is nearly due north of B. D is the faint star east of B. It is between D and E. E, curiously, seems the brightest of all! F is south of A, B, and C, slightly brighter than E.

JRN 36 is the tight pair south of JRN 35 running east-west. A, brighter, is to the east.

ARA 385 A and B are the equally bright stars south-south-east of HU 709 (the bright triangle). Just at the left edge of the frame.

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