Wednesday, January 07, 2015

found Lovejoy (Etobicoke)

Found comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) in the binoculars atop the tripod from the front lawn.

With the help of SkyTools, I star hopped from Rigel, to Cursa, 66 and 68 Eridani, then ω. Next stop μ and ν Eri. Then over to Beid and Keid. Finally to ξ. While slowly sweeping I spotted the small fuzzy.

No obvious tail. Smaller than I had hoped, due to the city skyglow.

Briefly considered imaging it but I didn't want to do so from the front yard. I still didn't have access to the back... Then the side door security light went off. Ugh. The prospect of hauling out more gear and trying to focus in the frigid conditions was not attractive... -18°C. -28 with the wind chill. 245°K. Lost my mojo.

Good enough for now.

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