Look at that blue sky!
We embarked for a long bike ride to Collingwood. We rode directly from CAO and enjoyed many of the downhill sections. All tolled Trevor, Tony, Phil, and myself rode over 50 klicks. I don't know about everyone else but I was very tired. I had some serious bike butt. It was hot. Thank goodness Lora brought the sag wagon. We surveyed the dark blue, cloudless sky.
Kiron was working on a delicious Indian lunch back at the ranch. The house smelled wonderful. I was able to squeak in a quick shower. Felt much better.
I configured the GBO for more solar observing in full spectrum and Hα again. Solar Observing Session - North. Similar views to the day before. Hopefully they were getting similar views down at the Ontario Science Centre... SOS-South.
Dean and crew arrived. Kids made a beeline for my Coke in the mini-fridge.
Kiron discussed the binocular adapter vibration problem. Tony suggested to Kiron that the plastic tripod adapter could be made more rigid by filling the flanges with some material, something that could be squeezed in and that would dry, cure, and harden. Worth a shot.
John arrived in the afternoon without minimal food and no 'scope. He lugged the refractor from the living room, past the couch and bannister, through the kitchen, through the foyer, outside, down the narrow stairs, and past the pagoda. Don't know why he didn't take the double doors right beside the living room. He left the black tube to heat up in the sunlight.
I relayed emailed reports from Guy and Ralph at the RASC General Assembly down east and updated info on the shuttle launches... Hmmm, new final launch date in February...
Tony affected repairs to the Muskoka chairs with the spade bit I had purchased yesterday. The peanut gallery observed.
While the Horvatins and others went to the beach I crossed off a few items...
- sent note to the listserv about the completed repaving on First St, Collingwood
- verified the updated Coronado SolarMax notes were in the case, warm room, and CAO supervisors Yahoo!Group
- researched telescope control with Stellarium (learned it was not possible with Paramount without Linux)
- printed and installed my TheSky6 QRC (in its current beta form)
- printed and installed the updated emerg contact phone lists
- noted and photographed locations of smoke (2) and CO (1) detectors
- also noted circuit(s) the detectors are on
I made pasta-broccoli-pine nut dinner. The Horvatins threw in some grilled chicken. Fred provided a huge seedless watermelon.
Helped Tony with the photos he shot earlier of the wall rot in the GBO. I uploaded the images to my flickr pro account and forwarded the link to him. Later I gave him access to my flickr account so he could update the descriptions.
People liked my "You are here." Milky Way shirt from ThinkGeek.
The evening sky was looking excellent...
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