Wednesday, January 28, 2009

long council meeting

Perhaps they were reflecting on the old proverb, "Be careful what you wish for..."

A couple members of the RASC Toronto Centre council had strongly suggested I be at tonight's meeting.

I was trying to avoid it. I will continue to try to avoid them in the future. I don't like meetings. Meetings are too long. Meetings never have time limits. They are never chaired properly. They should be conducted without chairs! By that I mean, no sitting! Meetings bloody meetings are boring. The RASC TC meetings are broad in scope. No pun intended. I'm not a councillor (and no, I won't be one). I just run one committee. There's little that concerns me. I'd rather phone in or submit my committee report. I really don't need to be there, in general.

But, they insisted.

And, this time, I did have some business I needed tended to.

So, since they were going to give me some time, I thought I'd make the best of it.

I was one of the last to speak. And I hit them with both barrels... A full page worth of items!

I discussed our new MS Office 2007 software, our missing hardware, new hardware asset ID techniques. I talked about the weather server being down and that as I considered the fault tree there were many possible problems... I mentioned the new Yahoo!Group I had created for the CAO supervisors and that I had yet to put the IYA logo on the web site.

To the treasurer, at the beginning of the meeting, I submitted a cheque requisition for three Clear Sky Charts. They directed the IT committee as to the preferred ones. I reminded council that Attilla Danko does not issue reminders or ask for donations. So I will put a reminder in my/our calendar to renew annually.

Finally, I relayed that has said they can do it, give us access to our security camera and weather server! But this requires static IP. And they want more money. I asked for approval to proceed at an additional $10/month? They accepted.

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