Sunday, October 03, 2021

copied the bolt code

Holy Universe!

It worked.

I copied the code available from the Thingiverse Nut Job Customizer and dropped it into OpenSCAD.

nut job code in OpenSCAD

Woo hoo! The Customizer populated and then the bolt appeared. Yes! No errors. It's... it's incredible. 639 lines of C-like code.

Sidebar: I'll be able to make other fasteners for 3D printing with this tool... Or hack the code of my 3D models... Interesting (said in my best Mr Burns voice).

This is brilliant. I need to generate a very large bolt pattern with a 1mm thread pitch for Alister's focuser tube and the Customizer inside Thingiverse is broken. 

It seems many things are broken in Thingiverse...

Now that I have OpenSCAD 64-bit on the Windows laptop, I'll be able to make the part to import into my 123D project.

Well. I'll be able to do that when STUPID WINDOWS 10 stops thrashing the hard drive!


Guess I'll do this in a few hours... stupid stupid stupid!

Hey, Microsoft. Your operating system IS a virus.

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