Sunday, September 11, 2011

offered to help, with conditions

I offered to help Manuel with collimating his SCT telescope. But I asked that we not plan any other activities at the same time... Sorry for the pun but the point was to focus on one thing, avoid distractions, do the work needed, and get him trained up.

I also reviewed what we'd need:
  • two humans
  • telescope cooled to ambient temperature
  • telescope on mount that can be aimed at zenith
  • several eyepieces of various focal lengths
  • some bright stars
  • some dim stars
  • tool(s) to remove secondary mirror cover
  • tool to adjust secondary mirror
Forgot to mention, at the time, a barlow...

Phil also sent over Rod Mollise's handy notes.

That got me thinking that I should loan Manuel by SCT book by Rod...

He tried to book me for Wednesday evening. I reminded him that was RASC meeting night. And that, for this one, I was on duty, presenting. I reiterated that whenever we get together that our plan would be a simple one, so to concentrate on the task at hand.

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