Thursday, June 11, 2009

helped on OHAP 09 article

Tony had completed entering the copy for the Open House and Awards Picnic 2009 article on the Toronto Centre web site. For the second time... The poor guy.

He had written the content earlier but had taken so long in the Content Management System that it timed out! I had to relay the bad news: no way to recover. Tony was not happy, I could hear it in his voice.

I thought of and how it autosaves. I wonder if I can find the Toronto Centre a new CMS which includes such a feature.

Anyway, Tony was finally done the content. He had also uploaded small images. But, once again, he was struggling with the page layout, getting the images to fit nicely, and the text to word wrap.

I said I'd take over. I threw a table in the content and wrangling the HTML for a bit. It's not too bad.

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