Monday, June 01, 2009

assisted at NHE event

Ontario Parks was having a conference for their Natural Heritage Education staff up in Barrie. Being the International Year of Astronomy, the organisers want their park staff to offer some astronomy programmes, activities, star parties, etc.

The organisers contacted some local astronomy clubs and the Society and in turn found Geoff Gaherty. Geoff then called me. We were to conduct a small star party (weather permitting), show off our telescopes, and help answer questions.

Unfortunately, we were clouded out. Still, a bunch of us set up our telescopes and other gear (indoors) and answered questions. It was fun.

Hopefully, more Ontario Parks will conduct astronomical activities this summer. And perhaps more nearby amateur astronomers will be able to help out. And get a bunch more Galileo Moments.

It was a pleasure meeting Rick Stankiewicz of MNR, science writer Peter McMahon, Tobi Kiesewalter—Acting Natural Heritage Education Coordinator, and fellow RASC Toronto Centre member Francois van Heerden.

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