Wednesday, February 11, 2009

too much

I found an error in the winter double stars list over at Sky & Telescope. So I sent them an email.

I found a small typo in the winter double star list...  It is in the third page of the article, in the list of targets.

What shows is:

q2 Cnc 8h 26.8m +26° 56' ...
or theta2 Cnc 8h 26.8m +26° 56' ...

But it should be:

f2 Cnc 8h 26.8m +26° 56' ...
or phi2 Cnc 8h 26.8m +26° 56' ...

The coordinates and other details are correct.  Somehow the theta was substituted for phi.  Which is perhaps not surprising as they are very similar.

I received this reply back today...

I was all set to go into the article and fix it right now.  But I see that the *correct* fix is to replace all those Roman letters by the HTML codes that give the actual Greek letters, which is more work than I want to undertake right at the moment.  So I'll postpone fixing it for another day.

Tony Flanders
Associate Editor, Sky & Telescope
So, your trusted astronomy source is going to let this error persist for a while longer... I found this response a little odd. I guess he's pretty busy.

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