Friday, February 27, 2009

Moon-Venus conjunction (Toronto)

I didn't think I'd get a chance to see this spectacular conjunction...

I was cooped up inside, after waiting for a delivery, scrambling to get some work done, staying atop the email tide, filtering through voice mails, showering, freshening up, all before heading out to Cam's, for a night of cards.

At a little after 7, I departed home. A few flakes floated down. The skies were filled with cold, grey white clouds bouncing back orange light. To the north-west, the clouds were breaking up, buffeted by strong cold wind. Supposed to be clear later.

Periodically, I glanced to the west, in hopes of catching the planet and moon. Thick clouds. But as I walked west on Lincoln, drifting from the south to the north sidewalk, I saw something. I hit the brakes! Holy cow! There they were.

The Moon's crescent, almost horizontal, sharp points directed upwards, like a cup or bowl, was bright but hazed in the distant clouds. Venus, to the right, about a degree or so, was bright, in a break between the clouds. Glorious. The ecliptic. It looked like it was shooting straight up! I wondered how many were catching this now.

It was fading in and out. The low clouds, combined with the low elevation, was blotting out the view. Perhaps later, the view would be better.

I was at Runnymede and Annette. I paused my sky viewing for dinner.

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