Saturday, May 17, 2008

needed to see Mercury (Toronto)

Set an alarm in my palmtop to remember to look for Mercury around sunset.

I took my little astrolabe outside to get the elevation. Later I took out my compass to get the azimuth. I kept scanning with my binoculars but couldn't find anything. Popped inside to grab a sweater and I double-checked Stellarium. Oops! I was reading the Declination number of 25°. Crikey, the altitude was now 14°. Fortunately, still above the trees. I found it in short order.

I waited until I could easily see it naked eye. Then I took in Saturn, close to Regulus. Found Mars, departing Gemini, but still relatively close to Pollux and Castor.

As I packed up, I felt tempted to set up the telescope. Alas the fat Moon would spoil any attempts at DSOs...

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