Friday, August 04, 2006

ancient training materials

When Donna arrived she presented to me an ancient planisphere from the University of Western Ontario! Probably made before they used the word "planisphere;" it's titled The New-Way Star Map.

On the back is a chart of stars surrounding Polaris (circumpolar stars).

Came with an envelope noting prominent points in the sky and instructions. The enclosed descriptions make it sound like it is a relatively new device, a rotating wheel, for viewing the stars no matter the date or time.

She also gave me a small booklet called An Easy Pocket Star Guide For Beginners compiled by H.R. Kingston. The forward suggests these items were used in astronomy courses at UWO.

It is from 1947 with planet positions noted up to 1959! I love the hand-drawn star charts (by McKready).

These are museum pieces...

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