Tuesday, November 29, 2016

understanding dark beasts

Read article at Science News. Researchers, including RASC Toronto Centre's honorary president Roberto Abraham, are finding galaxies devoid of stars. In 2014, they were surprised to find dozens of large but dark galaxies in the Coma galaxy cluster, a well-studied region. Over a thousand have been since found. They may be an old type of galaxy not yet classified and they seem to harbour a lot of dark matter.

Roberto Abraham with Dragonfly

The compound Dragonfly telescope system built by Abraham, designed to reduce ghosting and artefacts, was used to effectively find these ultradiffuse galaxies. Big questions remain. How did they form? How old are they? Are they not conducive environments for making stars? Did their star-making gas get ripped away? Did they have stars which got throw out by high spin rates? Or have all the stars yet to ignite?

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